Tuesday, February 3, 2009

RSV / Pneumonia

Our baby girl is sick.. she has had a cold, but that is all I thought it was. We had gone to the Dr. before and she told us, just to let it pass. Well it never did, I finally got tired of it on Friday and called Dr. Strength.. Thank goodness I did. We took Rylea in and they tested her for RSV, which she had.. but that is the only thing the Dr. could tell at the Dr. office, she sent us to the Hospital for some x-rays.. I was in tears, and thinking how are they going to x-ray a 5 month old that won't lay still?? Rylea actually did pretty good, it only took one try.
Well the results came in and she has Pneumonia!!
She is taking antibiotics and is on breathing treatment... everything right now is looking good and she is getting better everyday!

my sweet baby, doing her breathing treatments...

until next time...


Kristin and David said...

I hope Rylea gets to feeling better! She looks so sad doing her breathing treatments...we are parying for her! Tell her Parker says Hi! Love ya and miss ya!

The Bigham Family said...

Hope Rylea is feeling better. She looks like a pro taking her breathing treatment - such the little lady. Talk to you later!


About Me

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Palmer, TX
Ryan and I have been married since July 14, 2007. We live in Palmer, Tx its south of Dallas. Ryan is the head football coach for the Palmer Bulldogs and Govt and Economic teacher. I work for Navarro College-Waxahachie Campus as a Academic Advisor. We had Rylea on August 27, 2008. Our lives have changed so much. We are so blessed!